attachment vs differentiation and communication skills
Will “validation of someone else’s feelings” interfere with that other person’s spiritual growth and foster a dependent sense of self? Will it “reinfo
once a week
Some therapists insist that folks come once a week. Good reasons, too. To keep momentum. To stay involved and effective. But I’m for whatever works. But I’m noticing th
4 questions 1 decision
Casey Truffo got these questions from Andrea Lee. Below, I’m quoting Casey verbatim, who is partly quoting Andrea, but I changed one word. From business to relationship. 1. W
be nice
When a couple left the other night, I asked them to please “be compassionate towards each other; be nice to each other.”
don’t be nice – be real
That’s the title of a book by Kelly Bryson. I really do admire his work and perspective. And then I read this quote in Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Ri
fortune cookie
Today I cracked open the cookie and read these words: A good laugh and a good cry both cleanse the mind The back says: “LEARN CHINESE – ” and the word is: Today a
How do you know? To stay together or not? Based on what? What if it’s good some of the time and not good some of the time? How do you weigh these things? What if you butt hea
what did i do wrong now?
If the partner is unhappy, that’s just what most men will think. A natural conclusion.
gripe fest
We don’t have any problems — except when we try and talk about things. Reminds me of that phenomenon that Werner Herzog talks about* – about shining neon lights into
rolling stones
No, you can’t always get what you want You can’t always get what you want You can’t always get what you want And if you try sometime you find You get what you nee