The Missing Experience

fortune cookie

Today I cracked open the cookie and read these words:

A good laugh and a good cry
both cleanse the mind

The back says: “LEARN CHINESE – ” and the word is:


and the Chinese characters follow underneath.

So there you have it, the answer to my pondering about whether to indulge the cry, or to just deal with it.
I was thinking that life calls for a little of both.
Cry, and then wipe your eyes so you can see reality, and move forward from there.
It’s a version of Leonard Jacobson’s teachings about presence.

Like everyone, I have different sides. Counselor, photographer, writer, cooker of food – both spicy and plain, and seeker of truth and happiness. I have always taken an interest in the unassuming things that pass us by – both heard and seen, both ordinary and not so ordinary. They are all sacred and beautiful in some way.

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