change this person for me
Sometimes people come to therapy for help changing their partner because they haven’t had any luck so far.
Differences in living styles can be challenging. Sometimes even the best of relationships and communal households break up because of dishes in the kitchen sink.
don’t bother
Funny book. How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, by Patricia Love and Steven Stosny, New York: Broadway Books, 2007. First came upon it reading a reader’s r
do it to yourself
I like what David Schnarch writes about. See: David Schnarch, Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love & Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships. New York: W. W. Norton & Comp
what do you mean “what do you do?” with those feelings?
When I did an internship some years back at a public agency in Point Reyes, one of my supervisors was Hiram Elliot. I admired what I imagined was his solidity. I pictured him sitti
It’s hard to admit that it’s just us. That we can’t stand the feelings the come up for us. And that’s it’s all in our heads. This shame, this guilt, o
you are right – your partner is wrong
Are you wanting to be right? Are you wanting your partner to admit that he or she is wrong? That’s a good goal when you engage your partner in discussion – if you want
Happiness is one’s capacity to love and to receive love.
I have attended some meditation retreats where you sit for a bunch of days and try and observe sensations that arise in your body. It can be hard on a Westerner’s knees. You&
change is god
The only God in Buddhism is Change. Things come. And things go away. And thank G-d when they do.