The Missing Experience

more reasons

There was a billboard sort of sign in the Mission some years ago. It read “17 Reasons Why”.

It was on Mission and 17th, above what is now “Thrift Town”.
It used to advertise for the now-defunct Redlick’s Furniture store.


I particularly like this one from Michael Thomas Angelo on his Flickr page:

17 Reasons

17 Reasons Mission SF

A friend of mine got married some years ago, and her husband did a play on that notion, listing reasons as part of his proposal. Good idea, I thought. I think it gave me the idea.

I first started doing counseling at test sites in SF for HIV and other STDs.
This was with the AIDS Health Project.
I spoke with people about their concerns and behaviors before I administered a test, and then met with them a week later to give them results and talk further.

Over the years, I collected reasons why people “put themselves at risk,” as we say.
Some of the reasons are poignant.
It relates to my previous post, about our actions, and what they really reflect.

It’s a rich subject. Everything’s a risk, including walking across the street. So it relates to things like perceptions, sense of self, and even spirituality.

Here’s the poem I wrote back then:


  1. It was the heat of the moment
  2. You were drunk or high
  3. You just weren’t thinking
  4. You couldn’t help yourself
  5. Everyone’s doing it
  6. No one’s doing it
  7. It felt good
  8. Condoms suck
  9. You’re not concerned
  10. You were bored
  11. You were confused
  12. He took you by surprise
  13. You were abused as a child
  14. You wanted to see what would happen
  15. Sounded like a good idea at the time
  16. Someone had to
  17. You’ve always done it
  18. You already did it once
  19. Why not?
  20. You didn’t want to die without doing it
  21. You wanted to manifest god

Like everyone, I have different sides. Counselor, photographer, writer, cooker of food – both spicy and plain, and seeker of truth and happiness. I have always taken an interest in the unassuming things that pass us by – both heard and seen, both ordinary and not so ordinary. They are all sacred and beautiful in some way.

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