adding up
I spoke about communication, and being seen. What is this about? A quality of connection. And there’s a feeling there that people have when it’s good. A good feeling. T
by the way
As an aside, I asked, “How are you feeling, by the way?”
I spoke about trust earlier. Seems being seen is really important to people. The sense that someone gets us. There’s a sense of connection there, like that look across the ro
It seems to be the most important thing in a relationship. Communication is second, if there is such a thing as second, because it’s wrapped up with trust.
chain of reaction
If one person expresses dissatisfaction for unmet needs, this can trigger the other person. The strange thing about this is that the other person was fine until the first person op
half the battle
What a metaphor, “battle.” Not what I want to think of when I think of relationships, but the phrase came to my mind when I was thinking about getting from here to ther
If my mind doesn’t go out to disturb the noise, the noise won’t disturb me. – Ajahn Chah, from A Heart Full of Peace, by Joseph Goldstein
Paul: “I guess what I’m trying to say is that – these people come to me – they want me to fix their problems. And the truth is, I think all I can do is just – wal
Paul: “I’m sorry I let you down. I wish I could solve all your problems, Oliver. But I just – I can’t. But one thing I can do, is–is–is talk with you, about