where else
What is Therapeutic ? What is Therapy ?
Instead of thinking of it as an indicating that something is wrong or needs fixing or as something you “need” to do, I invite people to think of it as a place to be real, to talk about what’s true, to be honest, with yourself, to reflect, deeply, to have your experience reflected back, to get perspective, to be heard.
Perhaps it doesn’t have to be “work” or “working through” something. And certainly not “processing,” a word either James Hillman or Michael Ventura* suggested should only be used for Kraft Cheese.
Sometimes the experience of shooting the shit and feeling an equal human-to-human connection with another human being is therapeutic.
If you feel there is something therapeutic about the experience you have, whatever it is, and you feel it’s worth your time and money, perhaps that’s what matters.
Where else in our lives do we have experiences like this ? Where there is dare I say a “sacred space” help by another person, for you to talk about what’s real.
* James Hillman and Michael Ventura. We’ve had a hundred years of psychotherapy – And the world’s getting worse. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993.