Individuals For Yourself COUPLES For Your Relationships Get a handle on things For Peace of Mind


Do you want to feel better about yourself and how you respond to what life throws your way?

Who doesn’t?

Who doesn’t want to feel less stress, more ease, more fulfillment, more empowerment, more meaning, more connection?

So what are we really doing in a session?

Finding better ways to respond – to people, situations, work, and emotions that come up (anger, frustration, sadness).  Because we all know life and people can be a pain sometimes.

Making sense of what’s going on and getting clarity.

Puzzling over dilemmas, situations, options, choices.

Having someone neutral to reflect back the truth.

Having a space to say what’s really true, be heard, and hopefully not get bad advice.

It all can be therapeutic.

Couples & Families

Do you wish you could just talk to your partner –
without it becoming an ordeal?

In a nutshell, here are my pie-in-the-sky goals for couples:

  • To find solutions that work for everyone.
  • To talk about things that matter without things blowing up or going south.
  • To say what’s true, and to stay connected in a caring way.
  • To share w/o trying to change the other person; and to listen w/o trying to change the other person.
  • To hold space for differences.
  • To be kind and to have good boundaries.

I can help facilitate having conversations you might not have been able to have on your own.

And if I can help you learn how to talk, then you can talk about almost anything.

Fees & Insurance

How to navigate insurance without being brought to tears

There is no charge for an initial 10-minute confidential discussion by phone.
I offer a sliding scale starting at $125 for a 50-minute session, and if it’s affordable to you, my standard fee is $225 session.

If you want to use insurance, please tell me the name of your plan, so that we can determine the extent to which our visits can be covered by your plan.

I am an in-network contracted provider with most Managed Care Organizations,
EAP, PPO, and HMO plans in this area.

Please view the FAQ section below for more information, including a list of most of the organizations with which I am in network.  Reach out if you don’t see your company on the list.

If your current financial situation would make it difficult for you to afford my standard fee, please let me know so that we can talk about possible alternatives.

Feel free to call me to create something together that will be helpful to you.

Thank you for making me feel human.

—A person I worked with

You gave me a way to look at things differently

— A Person I Worked With

I feel we’re starting to see each other again as people.

— A couple I worked with

The hardest thing is another person

— Buddhist Monk

I feel better. I feel lighter. When I first came, I thought it was a bunch of crap. It does work, talking to someone.

— A person I worked with

We can communicate without pissing each other off.

— A couple I worked with

Thank you for making me feel human.

—A person I worked with

You gave me a way to look at things differently

— A Person I Worked With

FAQ Section

Answers to common questions
About me

What is The Missing Experience? +

Are You Going to Feel Welcome? +

What is a Marriage & Family Therapist? +

My Perspectives +

Is it Really About Communication? +

My Approach with Couples Work +

On the Fence About Separation? +

What is NVC? +

Do You Deal With Addiction? +

How does Insurance Work? +

What is that Logo? +

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